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Professional résumé

Mgr. Ivan  Sečík, CSc.
Date of birth: 16 september 1951 in Mariková


1967–1970    General secondary school in Považská Bystrica
1970–1975    Faculty of Journalism Leningrad University
1976–1979    Faculty of Journalism Leningrad University
                   -   full-time postgraduate research
1980            Faculty of Journalism Moscow University
                   -   defence of thesis
1989, 1992,  study visits to the Federal Republic of Germany
1995            (Heidelberg, Wiesbaden,  Saarbrucken)

Language skills:

-   Russian (state exam)
-   German (secondary school leaving exam)
-   English (fifth year of language school)


1980             Nové  slovo – specialised sub-editor
1980–1984    Slovak Bureau for Press and Information – senior specialised clerk
1984–1996    Journalism Research Institute – researcher, head of department, director
1995–1998    Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic –  director general public information section
1997–1999    National Centre for Media Communication  –  director general
1999–2000    MABEX, s.r.o.  –  sales and marketing director
2000–2010    Slovak Radio – head of department, director of the Centre for Media Research
2006–2010    Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic  -   state secretary
2010             Paneuropean University – vice-dean of the Faculty of Mass Media, head of the Institute for Mass Media Communication

Areas of expertise and public activities:
     Theoretical and methodological issues in journalism and the system of mass communications media, mass media policy and law in the European context, research into media communications and public opinion.

     He is the author or co-author of a number of monographs and dozens of studies, research reports and articles in his field.   He has acted as a permanent delegate representing Slovakia in the Steering Committee on Media of the Council of Europe. He lectures in the Faculty of Mass Media of the Paneuropean University and the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava, he has worked with the Institute of Political Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and other educational and research institutions. As a member of the Government council for media policy and the Legal commission of the Slovak Syndicate of Journalists, he has participated in the preparation of new media legislation.

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