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The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic

(Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky)

On the 1st of July 2010, the Act No. 37/2010 Coll. enters into force, which amends the Act No. 575/2001 Coll. on Organization of the Government Activities and Organization of the Central State Administration, as amended.
According to the Act, as of July 1, 2010, responsibilities in the field of tourism will be transferred from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic to a new central state administration body – the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Slovak Republic.  At the same time, The Slovak Tourist Board, a subsidized organization, will go to the funding scope of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Slovak Republic.

Nam. SNP No. 33.
813 31 Bratislava
Tel.: 00421 2 20482 111
Fax: 00421 2 20482 174

Spokeperson of the Ministry:
Jozef Bednár
Tel.: 00421 2 20842 110
Fax: 00421 2 20842 174

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